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  • Bridgemont newsletter subscribers and community
  • Noticias en español de todo el mundo de interés para Montessorians. También es un excelente lugar para publicar anuncios de ayuda (gratis, sin cargo).
  • For those especially interested in Elementary education
  • This list covers news about training or resources that CGMS offers or resources for persons whose primary language is Spanish or Chinese.
  • This list relates to CGMS' subscription library which offers a wide selection of Montessori resources.
  • Semi-regular thought provoking quotes from Dr. Montessori and like-minded philosophers.
  • This list covers news about professional development opportunities. These are short courses between 6 and 10 weeks long, sometimes with CEUs.
  • Esta es la lista de programas en español del Centro de Estudios Guessor Montessori. Si se suscribe a nuestra lista, ocasionalmente (menos de una vez al mes) recibirá correos electrónicos con actualizaciones, descuentos e información general de Montessori.
  • List imported from Sarasota's Mail Chimp Account, to be used to promote SU
  • This list covers news related to teacher training programs. This includes everything from our accredited infant-toddler training to our certification for working with adolescents.
  • News from all over the world of interest to Montessorians. Also a great place to post help wanted ads (for free, no charge).
  • This is the main list for The Center for Guided Montessori Studies. If you subscribe to our list you will occasionally (less than once a month) receive emails from us with updates, discounts, and general Montessori information.

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